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来源: 时间:2024-05-27 14:14:48 类别:船员资讯 被浏览:

近日,NK船级社发布今年过去三个月的PSC检查趋势---- Trend report(20240201-20240430) NK Fleet,其中列举了很多缺陷和图例。



比如,A防火自闭门,The self closing doors are fitted with holdback hook, ropes or wedge or not self-closed.( 3件 )


B,  The door can not be closed tightly.( 2件 ),水密门不水密,这也是很多船经常出现的问题。曾见过一条船的记录,在印尼雅加达,左舷生活区入口水密门不水密,当时PSC让把门关紧,生活区这层的灯光熄灭,用强光手电从外往里面照,在里面能明显看到白光,透光透亮不水密,根据载重线公约,滞留!

C,还比如货舱水密rubber packing变形严重,不水密。看着都是小问题,不光SOLAS.MARPOL滞留,甲板上的水密,是一个最常见的可滞留缺陷。

Cargo hatches, the other hatches and the other openings including cleats, rubber packing, crutches and clamping devices are not in good condition.( 4件 )


1,生活污水处理装置 Sewage treatment Plant/Sewage Holding Tank with pump ,Sewage treatment plant is defective ( 3件 )

2,舵机间通信  Communication system  Communication system between W/H and E/R or W/H and steering gear room is not in good condition or not provided.( 2件 )

3,应急消防泵 Emergency fire pump, fire pump and its piping There are leakages of water or oil from pumps and it's line with wastage and corrosion holes.( 2件 )

4,防火风闸缺陷  Fire dampers are not fully closed with edge wastage and corrosion holes or sealing surfaces are not functional.( 8件 )

5,隔离阀缺陷Isolation valves for fire lines   The isolating valve is not working properly.( 7件 )

6,主机漏油缺陷  There are leakages of oil, water and exhaust gas or main engine not cleanliness.( 2件 )

7,应急灯 缺陷 Lights or emergency lights including bulbs, protection covers, guards and the switch box are not in good condition.( 2件 )

8,应急灯 缺陷The emergency lights are not provided for the embarkation station or are not in good condition. ( 2件 )

9,防火等级缺陷 The insulation on "A" class bulkheads and decks is not in good condition.

10,人员不熟悉  Crews are not familiar with the operation or can not wear it properly.( 2件

11,速闭阀缺陷 The shut-off valves are not able to be closed by remote controls due to air leaks, lashing wires, gagging device, wrong set position, wood blocks and corroded wires etc.( 3件 )

12,透气水密缺陷  Air pipe heads, floats and closure devices including the coamings are not in good condition.( 3件 )




人总是有无数个三岔路口在等着,眼见风云千樯,做出抉择时 ,还以为时普通的一瞬间,实际上巨变已经发生,地动山摇,浑然不觉,多年之后,再回首,当时只道是寻常。就像这些寻常的缺陷,拔掉了就是成果,不去管就是绊脚石。时间,让孙子终究成了爷爷,点滴,从寻常走向了不寻常……